
We all contribute in many ways.
We all contribute in many ways.

The contributions of others to this blog are welcome, and are based on the following guidelines.

  1. All decisions about what will or will not be included in The Human Side of Global Warming blog will be made exclusively by Dave MacQuarrie.
  2. Articles submitted should be relevant to the overall theme of the blog, namely the emotional issues underlying global warming. Descriptions of these issues may be restricted to the individual level, or expanded to the cultural level.
  3. Articles must be original material, although brief excerpts with citations are acceptable.
  4. Articles submitted as well as comments about those articles should be submitted in the spirit of a common enterprise devoted to increasing the knowledge and interests of the blog readers.
  5. Brief reference to appropriate current work of the contributor, such as links to current presentations, are acceptable, but overall, the posting is not to be a place for advertising or personal promotion.
  6. No profanity or personality attacks will be published.
  7. Anyone who has a blog entry accepted for publication will be given the option of creating a mutual link with this web site. Both Dave and the blog submitter must agree to this process.
  8. All published material is open to the public (not copywrited), and freely available to be copied and used by anyone (with proper citation).
  9. Length of articles: normally I am asking for relatively brief articles, 1-2 pages in length. However, this is not an absolute rule and longer articles may be submitted if desired.
  10. Images: images may be included. These will need to be submitted as separate .jpg files, and inserted by Dave at locations within the article deemed agreeable to both Dave and the contributor. Dave MacQuarrie does not assume accountability for the usage of any third-party images, and if disputes arise, such images will be removed from the blog without further discussion with the contributor.

A Study of the Needs and Limitations of Our World